harmful, unfriendly, hostile; tending to obstruct or harm
Justin Beiber is an inimical figure to our modern teenage society.

Beiber's actions are inimical to our interests in preserving the innocence of teenagers worldwide.
by GREwizard October 8, 2013
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well known as one of the best digital graphic artists
yo inimical hook me up with a sig my nigga
by inimical March 24, 2005
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When someone has overstepped the limits of “Negative Nancy” and moved into a category all their own.

When their behaviour is unfavourable or causing adverse effects on your life.
“She’s so bitter

You mean she’s being and inimical Emma
by Miserable12 October 29, 2020
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When someone has overstepped the limits of “Negative Nancy” and moved into a category all their own.

When their behaviour is unfavourable or causing adverse
“She’s so bitter

You mean she’s being and inimical Emma
by Miserable12 October 29, 2020
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When someone has overstepped the limits of “Negative Nancy” and moved into a category all their own.

When their behaviour is unfavourable or causing adverse effects on your life.
“She’s so bitter

You mean she’s being and inimical Emma
by Miserable12 October 29, 2020
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