So do I. It’s 3 am and I’m writing this. You must be too as your searching this up. Welp thanks for searching this and good night xD
It’s late and now your getting tired. You and I need to sleep
by My Pseudnym May 28, 2018
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when you dumbass fat friend asks the teacher in class if we need a sleeping bag for our presentation about africa.
Do we need a sleeping bag for the presentation
by Jabrill combey June 1, 2017
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A self-explanatory term for a city that needs sleep such as a city that has a nearly empty nightlife or a city that has a virus (or any carriers of disease) infecting numbers of its denizens.
Bob: I just went to Austin, Texas. Man, that city needs sleep.
Luke: I agree man, the disease hits hard on Austin, Texas. There is about a few people infected there.
by Lighter_Waterfalls April 3, 2020
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