Italian ebonics. Real Italians do not speak this way.
American Italians mis-pronounce words such as mozzarella and ricotta into moot-suh-rel' and ri-goht', this is ibonics.
by UbdU May 8, 2007
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A linguistic trend involving the use of acronyms, deliberate misspellings, and omitted letters and punctuation, for the purpose of quicker typing and/or texting on any of the various intarwebz. Not to be confused with leetspeak, which requires correct spelling using representational characters.
Troll - "OMG, ur so ghey I pwnd u lollerz!!!1!!!11!!"

Grammar Nazi - "Quit talking in ibonics, scrub..."
by Garble May 1, 2008
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what our kids are learning now a days at school from teachers who've gone to college and didn't learn what they were 'spose to.
by Me! April 1, 2004
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its whats off tha chain yo. snap, a sista cant explain enough lately. fo sho!
aw snap! man, hes so cute up- and down! he gonna slide, past west side brutha. fo real! (stay white, god stay white)
by Jeanine August 22, 2003
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