
noun, plural-mies. Surgery.

the operation of excising or removing one's funny bone, humerus, and/or ulnar nerve.
Joe: With the oil continue to spill into the Gulf of Mexico, the only company making a profit is the one company that runs Chicken of the Sea cannery.

Jane: How's that?

Joe: The tuna is already packed in oil when they fish em out of the ocean.

Jane: (((groan))) What a bad joke... ((sigh)).

Jack: How dare you joke?! Blah blah blah!! Overfishing... blah blah blah ... disaster of the century ... blah blah blah....

Jane: Jeeze Louise. It was a joke. A bad one at that.

Jack: Blah blah blah! Blah blah blah blah blah blah! Corporate responsibility ... blah blah blah... we need a violent revolution!! Blah blah blah!

Jane: It's just a bad j....

Joe: Nevermind him. He got his humerusectomy last election when Nader didn't win the presidency.

Jane: Did he ever have a sense of humor?

Joe: Probably not.
by Tsarstepan October 21, 2014
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