when you want ppl to say something after you u say, "can i get a hoyaaaa!"
"can i get a hoya?!" Ppl: "hoyaaaaa"
by Can I get a hoya?! March 17, 2019
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A sexual yell meant as a sound to troll in the general public. Meant to capture the essence of women in porn, and the fake overexaggerated moans they do while getting rammed.
Can I get a Hoya?
by MistaMBojenga May 4, 2021
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1. Georgetown University mascot. The official explanation holds that there was a baseball team at Georgetown called the "Stonewalls". It is suggested that a student, applying Greek and Latin, dubbed the team the hoia saxa-- hoia is the Greek neuter plural for "what" or "what a", while saxa is the Latin neuter plural for "rock". Substituting a "y" for an "i"; "hoya saxa" literally means "what rocks". Now, a Hoya takes the form of a Bulldog, but students still cheer "Hoya Saxa" at games.

2. A student or faculty member from the greatest university in the history of universities.
"Hoya Saxa!!!"

"Georgetown Hoyas are the best students around"
by G-Towner January 24, 2005
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A Georgetown student or alumnus, derivative of the Greek word for "what."
What's a Hoya?
Georgetown Student: yes.
by akork November 2, 2006
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Hoya is a word you can replace "hi" with. It's just a lot more aesthetically pleasing to the tongue, and you can say it fast, slow, loud , quiet, (etc.) It's a lot less boring then hi, and it NEVER gets boring! If you want it to be even less boring, add "honey honey ya" to the end of hoya. However if you do this, you have to sing the phrase now.
"Hoya honey honey ya! My day way fabulous!"
by TheHoyaMaster March 1, 2018
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human sounds like this when sex reaches atmost level
by nish sagero October 6, 2020
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dancer and swag enthusiast. you say snapback? he's there. you play usher or pitbull? he's on the way. once kicked a kid for saying dwayne the rock johnson was not the savior of this generation. his senior quote was a line from kevin rudolf's popular song "let it rock". in his free time, he likes to show off his fursona and attend furry conventions with his clan (furry friends) he met on devianart. as long as this man is alive, dance will never die.
Look at that guy's sweet moves, he's such a Hoya!
by jangdogwoof August 16, 2014
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