When you stick your big toe (bilbo) in a guys ass and honk a tit of another person at the same time while masturbating with the free hand
Thanks for coming over last night frank, that honking bilbo was the best orgasm ive ever had.
by DiCkBuTt June 29, 2021
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A variation of the popular Among Us meme, "when the imposter is sus." Nig refers to a black person and honk refers to something squishy.
Person 1: Bro, look at that nig!
Person 2: Yeah, that's what happens when the nig is honk.
by kek or cringe? March 8, 2021
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when someone says somthing you dont understand or when something happens and you dont know whats going on
person a: guys i just ate a rock it was so soft
person b: confused honking
by somegoose January 20, 2021
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