-Dude that guy over there is such a homeowner
-Nah man hes cool, he def just rents.
by Ralphus May 3, 2004
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A pimp (esp. a man) who earns their income not by dealing members of the opposite sex, but members of the same sex (eg. other men).

Often used as a derogatory term to imply that someone is so gay that they may as well be a gay spokesperson.
That shirt makes you look like such a homeowner.
by Jilhad September 18, 2006
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Derived from "homo" and "ner". A homosexual male with a small penis.
by The Snailfather April 8, 2005
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A pimp (esp. a man) who earns their income not by 'managing' members of the opposite sex, but members of the same sex (eg. other men).
Stop being such a homeowner, you know I'm not that way inclined. I don't want any of your 'merchandise'.
by Jilhad September 12, 2006
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An omnipresent force in suburbia, or at least in most of it's residential neighborhoods.

A quasi-fascist governing board, often set up by a subdivision's real-estate developer, who strictly enforce such rules and building codes as...

-Grass must be kept watered, golf course green and closely manicured, even during times of drought and water shortages

-No one uses their yard to grow their own food

-No patch of land may be permitted to return to it's natural state

-No rooms or other additions may be permitted above or in front of the existing home

-No potter's shed or tool shed may be allowed anywhere on the property

-No yard ornaments

-No rain barrels

and so on.
The homeowners association says you can't put an addition onto the front of the house. They also said you couldn't add a 2nd level (which would keep any additional property from being paved over.) They said that the only place you could add on was the back (which paradoxically is the only yard anyone ever actually uses.)

To get another idea of what a homeowner's association is like, watch the 1999 episode of the X-Files by the name of "Arcadia."
by Miskatonic Jack 2 January 10, 2011
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An unskilled, lazy individual who has been fired from numerous jobs and relegated to sitting at home fantasizing that doing household chores is a full time profession.
That wanker was fired from every job he was hired to do and is now stuck being a professional homeowner.
by rainbowking January 31, 2023
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When Karens gather in a large group, they are known as a Homeowners Association.
by Brahsm42R September 10, 2020
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