noun. American YouTuber whose claim to fame came through his Star Wars, Rap Piano, and Diego the Puppet Mixtape videos

adj. fashionable, well-cultured; describes a person who discreetly watches Japanese-style animation and Warner Brother’s cartoons in moderation but isn’t a weeb; referring to American YouTuber hiptastic: acting calm and experienced because they are always between the hips of other people’s moms
What’s poppin, it’s ya boy hiptastic droppin on all of you kids a brand new vid.

That hiptastic guy is so easy to relate to and he is one of the boys.

The hiptastic man lost his friends because they became his step-sons.
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When an area or location is full of hipsters
I went to the pub last night, it was very hiptastic
by jayrivers April 7, 2011
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When one has a dogey hip.. and it causes them pain the hip is said to be "hip tastic"
"ooow my hips gone hiptastic!"
by embo street December 19, 2004
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