Because the admins won't get rid of the Nazis, Twitter has become a veritable hellsite.
by Failord October 29, 2017
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Referring to either or A term used by the site's users when talking about the platform in an insulting matter, typically when a controversy occurs, or simply because they saw a particularly bad post. Like hell, the websites are a place of torture that they cannot leave.
"Just saw a post of someone defending CP. Get me off this hellsite!"
"So the moderators of this hellsite are removing any NSFW posts now. WTF?"
by CirclejerkMaster69 March 23, 2022
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Another name for the website
"Every other news cycle, when any particular quake related to someone saying something stupid or disagreeable or out of touch or oftentimes simply oversharey occurs, it triggers a recurrent tsunami of contemplation of why any of us in the industry are on the hellsite at all."

- Delia Cai writing for Vanity Fair, April 14 2022
by Dinosaur Ducky November 19, 2022
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