You were really bored so you tried to learn how to code.
Joe: I am bored.
Joe clicks a YouTube video about coding.
Joe tries out the code that the guy on YouTube said to try out and types "print("Hello World!")".
by BruhBored6 June 10, 2020
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Me: Wow i love hello happy world!

Mom: Wtf is that
by Luciaa July 27, 2021
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The simplest computer program one could write.
Only prints to the screen "Hello World", but makes newbies feel like kings of the world.
A:"Dude, I just created a hello world program in BrainFuck all by myself!"
B (sarcastic):"Oh, wow. You must feel like the king of the world."
A:"You have no idea. Check y=the code out!"

//le code

B:"What the fuck am I looking at?"
B then went on to start worshiping Urban Müller
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phrase. a phrase used in coding, usually the first thing a person makes in code.
For example the Python code:
print("Hello, World!")
would print

Hello, World!
by Khizar Caliphate October 9, 2021
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Hello World is a programming language course in Kosovo located in Podujeva, Peja and Istog. Everyone suggests to go to the course. So if u live in Kosovo go check them out.
by O.N November 25, 2021
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