a group/nation of people who love Heizou.
1: ''I am a part of the heizounation''.

2: ''Heizou is so cool''

3: ''want to join the heizounation?''

4: ''I am already a part of the heizounation''
by TeeTree_80 November 8, 2022
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things that simp for heizou from genshin and possibly cum over him and masturbate!! (they aren’t sane i swear)
hey yaurll, heizounation newz is cummin on today!!
by urfavzayy October 24, 2023
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Heizounation is just like scaranation but with Heizou instead. They are invading my fyp please send help
OMG! I heard Jenny is in the heizounation! I’ll ask her to marry me!
Man why does everyone have a heizou/scara pfp?
by holleyys November 11, 2022
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a group/people that love Heizou
" the Heizounation is so cool
by January 5, 2023
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Definition of people who support heizou from Genshin Impact, envy him, support his intentions.
I'm in love with heizou. I am a part of the heizounation!

Heizounation is my community.
by @yuxme December 11, 2022
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Heizounation. It's a copy of scaranation
Friend B:have you heard of scaranation?
Friend A: no,I'm in Heizounation tho!
Friend B: *Blocked*
by Eve.zora January 14, 2023
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A family/nation that simp for Heizou, a character in the RPG game of Genshin Impact
"Do you think Heizou is hot?

yeah he is the best anemo boy"

"We scaranation are married to heizounation"
by genshinHEizouAndScaramouchie November 11, 2022
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