A phrase commonly used online to express extreme atractiveness. Those who use this term either:

A) Mock net-speak and spell "Hot" "H-a-w-t" just because it sounds/looks funny.

B) Really is a dumb ass.

This term also is commonly used for those who use other words such as, "Lawls"
Leik, DEWD!1! dID j00 C dAt chIK with da BODasHUS ta-TAWZ!/1!?? HAWT SEX MaN!! HAwt SEx!!1!!!!!11
by Bootle Windex December 1, 2005
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dewd, when a person is fawking sexy, and i guess fawking sexable they became the hawtsex.

hawt fawking sex, if they are worth it

dewd, that muthafukka is teh hawtsex!
by katrina_izawesome November 29, 2004
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