Someone who hates on what the majority of people would typically like/enjoy.
Brent is sippin haterade because he refuses to play nose-goes.
by rizzle7 October 18, 2010
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haterade, an adjective used to describe an attention whore.
girl 1: o m g, kelly is being such a haterade.
girl 2: tell me about it.
by burnbrigade123 October 2, 2015
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1. The energy drink consumed by winners who know they have a lot of haters around them.

2. A figurative drink that is used to protect you from haters.
I need to keep hydrated with my haterade.

I need my haterade for all of these haters in here?
by NOPH Co. March 29, 2017
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Anything or anyone that acts as fuel to ignite feelings of hatred and resent. See also: Reddit comment threads.
I get a constant endless supply of haterade from interacting with toxic Redditors. It's very addictive, though each haterade I consume cuts off one second from my lifespan.
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