Gucc, pronounced 'gooch' is short for gucci. It holds the same meanings, good, cool, ok, etc..
"Yo, you're looking pretty gucc man!"
"Wtf did you just call me?"
"Gucc, short for gucci"
"Oh! Thanks, you look pretty gucc too!"
by ArtoriasIsGuts January 17, 2016
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(Pronunciation: guhck) An abbreviation for Gucci, usually used when expressing that something is good. Replacing Gucci in a sentence
Bob: How are you doing today Jacob?
Jacob *menacingly* gucc
by Soft and wet July 30, 2019
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Used in all contexts for all things. Primarily used to identify awkward people/things/body parts.
I am so annoyed, that little gucc has been following me all day.

I can't go to the gym guys, my gucc is hurting really bad.
by Dr Gucc May 19, 2009
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look at my Guccs from the market...well look like Designers!!!!
by Nokka May 30, 2008
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Gucc is like another word for cool or like how you feel.
Bro your hairs gucc or how are you bro , im gucc
by Shemi the great January 7, 2018
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One who has diesel lips and enjoys shoveling poop on the weekends w/ his lips. Some one who is "gucc" likes 2 fuck babies and playing pool with his one testical. ALL THE GIRLS ARE WITH HIM!
man that kid is ugly, he must b realted to gucc.
by john doyle June 18, 2003
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