The individual, or group of individuals, involved in obsessive adoration of entertainers such as musicians, actors, athletes, and even political figures. Behaviors are juvenile and influenced oftentimes by crush-like emotions or lustful sentiments, and often infringe the rights of the figure experiencing the attentions of a frenzied fanatic.

Obsessive research and knowledge concerning the "likes/dislikes," genevation, habits, pet peeves, and other extraneous trivia concerning the idol are attributes shared among this stereotypical group of fans. This overly exhuberant fan exhibits traits such as promiscuity, daring and often irrational behavior, as well as, loss of self control when exposed to the object of their obsessions.

Most commonly viewed as consumed by their interest, as opposed to the normal realm of enjoyment experienced by the great majority of public.
Groupies at The Beatles concerts would often dissolve into tears, screaming fits and hysterics at the mere sight of the band's entrance to the stage.
by THE REAL JULIA June 8, 2006
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Women that sleep with rappers, athletes, famous people, etc... simply because they are famous
Don't grow up to be like Kat Stacks, she's a groupie.

Groupie Pt.2 by Little Brother is a good song about groupies.
by FlyAway February 27, 2012
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n. A groupie is a person whose devotion to a person (usually a celebrity, especially a rock and roll star) approaches the level of fanaticism.

Groupie is derived from group, meaning a musical band, but now has more general application.

Female groupies in particular are known for a long-standing tradition of being available for, and willing to have, sexual intercourse with celebrities and rock stars. While only a small number of groupies are truly promiscuous in that they are willing to trade sexual favors for attention, the tradition of "rock and roll groupies" continues to the present day, contributing to the image of the rock-and-roll lifestyle as one where sex and drugs are readily available at any time.

A few examples of well-known groupies include Pamela DesBarres, Savannah, Cynthia Plaster Caster, Sable Starr, Bebe Buell, Connie Hamzy, Lori Maddox, Bobbi Brown and Miss Harlow.
by Neurotique November 28, 2005
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A dependent female who needs friends

A female who fw more than one nigga
A female who’s hot in the ass
A female who acts hard around friends

A Male who would do anything for clout
A Male who loves meat riding

A Male who put others above them

A Male who suddenly has balls around their friends
A Male who fw someone because of their wealth
“that nigga real asf”
“Shut yo groupies ass up”
“I only fw one nigga”
Flagging ass groupies”
by adbs March 10, 2018
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One who will do almost anything including losing self respect to get near a specific celebrity or group.
Not to be confused with a fan or supporter.
After the show, the groupies were throwing underware on the stage.
by MSTOYA1 January 10, 2008
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A young woman, often under age, who will do anything to get closer to a person of high status, such as an up and coming rap star. They will often resort to sex but can use other methods such as obsessive research and knowledge concerning the "likes/dislikes," habits, pet peeves, and other trivia concerning the idol.

Originates from groupie, but spelled with a 'y' for 'young', signifying that the groupie is underage or younger than the idol.
"That little rat Liv is probably up-and-coming rap star JT's biggest groupy!"
by JThomas June 15, 2009
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Some thirsty a$$ young woman who tries to get with famous musicians/bands and get famous like Kim K. did .
That girl's beautiful, somebody introduce me. She ain't your girl tonight, nah, that bitch a groupie.
by macmillerlover July 1, 2013
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