Garlic Jim's is the best pizza place in the US state of Washington, Oregon, Texas, and Colorado. Founded by CRaig (Jim) Roberts and Dwayne Northrop. The pizzeria boasts the very best pizza in the world. Try the Big Jimmy; a delicious blend of meats, veggies, and cheese.
Kyle: hey what should we have for dinner

Jimmy: OH! I know! we should go to that awesome pizza place Garlic Jim's Famous Gourmet Pizza!

Kyle: Love it
by Robeth January 25, 2022
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A widely used trickery in the food bizz happens when a eatery looks apealing to the eye,the servers are dressed nice, the decor looks upscale..but the food is anything but special to say the least.
This place looks great..the tables and plates are pretty cool looking but the food sucked...just another gourmet illusion! Ruby Tuesday is nothing but a damn gourmet illusion!
by ThwopKing November 24, 2009
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Used ironically when referring to shitty food.
Person One: I couldn't work out the oven so here's some baked beans on cold pizza.
Person Two: Gourmet.
by ImInHell May 11, 2016
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When an alfa-male is having sexual intercourse with his female while her red velvet is in bloom and his sweaty balls are slapping her fany pack , creating an image similar to that , of a gourmet meatballs with tomato sauce.
We had aballs gourmet with my wife yesterday, we had to change the mattress today.
by kur40 July 21, 2017
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A person who, in thought, can cook food like a real human being, but never the less being a brain dead retard whom you might want to punch in the face shortly after employment starts and can't
We've just hired a new semi-gourmet cook! Hes GREAT, but ide like to punch the hack, wanna be mac and cheese cook in the face.

Semi gourmet cooking with Sandra Lee (reference the food network)
by Chef omega November 3, 2010
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The finest variety of dickcheese only found under Morgan Freeman's foreskin
"Bro, I found some that gourmet dickcheese!"

"Damn, Isn't that the one found in Morgan freeman's foreskin??"
by THE_M1LKM4N September 1, 2020
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Person who eats at a gourmet restaurant, dislikes the food, and clogs the toilet before leaving in disgust
I just saw a gourmet shitter in the bathroom. The toilets are now closed!
by simonthepieman2kni February 28, 2011
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