The act of repeatedly punching a prolapsed anus back into place with the strength of a thousand dying suns
Robbie:Dude my asshole fell out!
Wyatt: Relax and bite your wallet. I'll gopher punch it back in.
by SHAZAAAM9970 July 22, 2018
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Gopher is a really swag swagger that has swag and is swag like evantii and unlike hvnx (an nn with no social life). Gopher is the lovebug and e wife of his favorite swag Evantii.
Wow Gopher is really cool!
by GophyWophy November 10, 2022
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A person that only comes around when it's convenient for them (usually a man) when a woman has money,status, or power
A:Reggie is a Gopher come income tax time
B:I know he's always looking for a comeup
Gold Digger Moocher Man Whore
by It stings when ip March 16, 2018
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A person who benefits from situations due to sheer luck, regardless of what they do in the process. Often the level of luck increases exponentially, proportional to the level of stupidity in the decisions leading up to a specific moment.
in a poker game “That fucking gopher called 20$ twice with pocket 3s…. He hit a 3 on the river and made 100$”
by MBJCH69420 September 28, 2023
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-In the wild, a gopher is a small rodent with big cheeks.

-However calling someone a gopher, can be used as a nickname meaning that the person is funny/cute with *most importantly* squishy cheeks.
1. The gopher in my backyard ate all my plants.

2. Have you seen *insert name*’s cheeks ?! *Person* is such a gopher !!!
by ItIsWednesdayMyDudes_ August 3, 2018
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One who gophs
Yo dude that gopher gophed my mom sooooo hard
by Sgt.Combustable August 26, 2018
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The upmost hottest girl you ask out but not too hot (not to be confused with a supermodel) who likes you back and is excited to get to know you and have fun on the first date. But throws you a text 3 days before the date explaining she is anxious, going through mental issues, and is not ready to date guys.

She will probably apologize 3 times in one sentence from all the guilt and embarrassment she caused and will then feel bad she broke your heart and probably never will be able to forget what she did and in return become even more emotionally unstable to repeat the cycle of never receiving the confidence to go out on a date.
I asked out a "gopher" to only realized 3 day later she was mentally unstable to handle my awesomeness.
by Nitro Tiger October 3, 2022
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