U good bro is a question made by famous personality Logan Paul meaning are you good or ok or not this question is often on a survey you check yes or no to the question are u good bro
Yo Even are u good bro
by JohnDoe47 August 21, 2017
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A highly effective comeback to someone who gets triggered by words on a screen and starts to argue with you on social media. It shows the other person you are calm and don't care, while suggesting you are worried about how not good they appear. It is most effective when used later in the argument-- hit em with a few replies that you know will get them emotionally invested (can make up facts if that helps). When their responses get the longest, that's the time to hit them with "U good?" (Once you use it, keep replying with it or variations of it - i.e. U gud?/U okay?/Lol..you gud?)
Not Good Person: "WRONG! You obviously don't know what you are talking about, why don't you do a little research before spewing that nonsense. We literally have pictures of Mars you moron!"
You: "U good?"
by Linklage January 14, 2022
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