Within the goth subculture, a derogatory term used for disaffected teenagers who turn to a goth affectation in order to express their misfit status. Most often applied to young, female goths.

Common physical characteristics include "Eye of Horus" eyeliner, fairy wings, bad poetry, clothes from Hot Topic, and Wiccan paraphernalia. Common behavioural characteristics include a smug sense of moral superiority tempered with affected ennui, not-entirely-serious suicide attempts, sudden periods of "mourning," and an appropriately dark pseudonym.

A despondent creature, but not to be confused with the emo kid.

Connected with the comic book series by Serena Valentino, of the same name.
The gloom cookie wore black on the outside, to show how black her soul was on the inside.
by Ragnvaeig March 18, 2006
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This is a term which predates the comic book, and originally referred to people in the goth communities who were (like an Oreo) dark and spooky on the outside, but clean of the stereotypical gloomy gothic emotional core. As originally described, a gloom cookie individual is "not goth, but not not-a-goth."
I hang with the goths, but I'm more of a gloom cookie.
by Tonistist April 28, 2016
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An alias that is used by a male resident of online communities and blogs. He originated this name before the publication of the comic book by Serena Valentino, and it should not be associated with such gothic trash or the other usages refering to pathetic goth children. It is also used in the forms "g00m_c00kie", "teh_gl00m_c00kie" and "teh_gloom_cookie", with or without the use of underscores.
"That gloom cookie guy will pwn your ass!"
by teh_gl00m_c00kie July 30, 2006
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