A girl that you would date or go out with and enjoy talking to. *Girl Person* is a word you would usually use on social media eg. snapchat.
On snapchat:
Person 1: I've been talking to a few girls recently, they are really nice.
Person 2: Are any of them girl persons?
Person 1: Yes, yes they are.
by user101918171615141312 April 1, 2020
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A girl who is of above average weight or below average looks has to develop a great personality to get guys. She is usually really cool to hang out with and/or really funny.
I know she's not attractive, but she has fat girl personality and is really cool to hang out with.
by RickAl December 28, 2007
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Women who do not interact authentically in conversation based how attractive they think they are in relation to the person they are conversing with. They rely on generic platitudes as a means of minimal effort and offer no real substance.
Joe: Josh did you talk to Vanessa
Josh: I talked to Vanessa but it wasn't worth it because she has hot girl personality.
by YeetingYetimaster October 26, 2022
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1. A statement that places non white attractiveness into a separate category deemed as inferior to the white standard, but attractive in relation of what the person interprets as the black standard.

2. When someone possess qualities deemed attractive while also having a quality deemed as unattractive; that quality being race
by Scherazade April 24, 2021
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