Cancer and infection of the ballsack & scrotum. There is usually puss, blood, and a bit of semen for good times sake.
Person #1: Ayo kafgt my girl covered my ballsack in play-doh last night and started nibbling on it and now I have a couple giblets
Person #2: Damn giffft, have you tried lysol?
by Kdaddy&Pat August 26, 2019
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Giblets, those often overlooked and underappreciated morsels that reside within the cavity of a roasted bird, have a long and storied history. From humble beginnings as the scraps left for the family dog or cat, giblets have evolved into a culinary delicacy, gracing the tables of kings and commoners alike.
The word "giblet" is derived from the Old French word "gibelot," which means "small game." This suggests that giblets were once considered the edible parts of small animals, such as rabbits and squirrels. In medieval Europe, giblets were often used to make stews and soups, as they were a cheap and readily available source of protein.

It was not until the Renaissance that giblets began to be seen as a more refined ingredient. During this time, elaborate dishes featuring giblets were created, and they became a popular addition to banquets and feasts.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, giblets became even more popular, as poultry became more affordable and accessible to the masses. Giblets were often used to make stuffing, gravy, and other dishes, and they were considered an essential part of a traditional Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner.

Today, giblets are still enjoyed by many people around the world. They can be found in a variety of dishes, from the classic giblet gravy to the more adventurous giblet fritters.
Giblets are more than just a tasty ingredient; they are also a symbol of tradition and heritage. For centuries, giblets have been used to mark special occasions and celebrations. They are a reminder of our culinary roots and the simple pleasures of life.

So the next time you sit down to a meal that includes giblets, take a moment to appreciate the rich history and flavor of these humble morsels. They may be small, but they have a big story to tell.

Additional Notes:

Giblets are typically the heart, liver, gizzard, and neck of a poultry bird.
Giblets can be roasted, braised, fried, or stewed.
Giblets are a good source of protein, iron, and zinc.
Giblets are often used to make gravy, stuffing, and soup.
by men enjoyer III November 9, 2023
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The way the vagina looks from behind, usually noticeable when females wear spandex pants or skirts with no underwear
If you look closely , you can see her giblets.
by SiL3Nt J September 17, 2023
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Often used to describe being really drunk or having a sick stomach from the Drink the night before, usually heard in Co.Wexford, Ireland.
Awh son my stomach is in fuckin Giblets or

Person 1 - "Well how did ye get on last night?"

Person 2 - "It was some craic son I was in fuckin Giblets"
by slitsk01 December 3, 2021
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