a name for a poor meet up place
wot up bro meet me at da ghetto in 5
by ghettogangsta2 June 23, 2005
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1. Run down.

2. What high school jocks think they are.

3. What 75% of white kids think they are.
In your entry, link to other words using square brackets
by DJ-BILLZ May 16, 2005
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south Central Los Angeles
west and south Chicago
Flint, MI
Gary, IN
Washington, DC
New Orleans
south Phoenix
Oakland, CA
El Paso
Camden, NJ
Providence, RI
Buffalo, NY
St. Louis

in other words, BLACK
Ghetto is the black equivalent of whitetrash.
by krock1dk@yahoo.com August 4, 2007
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A ghetto person is someone who doesn't have any education and culture, and that's why they don't even know how to speak good english and they dont know how to dress well because they dont even have enough money, also that's why they make up these words like "nigga" and "yo" and stuff like that, it's mostly related with african-american people, most of them are poor but they like to show something like a fake gold chain and shirts with money logos, but it's because they have never get money
You all ghetto people should go to latin america, europe and even africa, Im sure you'll find that most of the people even if they are poor they are well educated, the money doesnt matter
they cant even say a sentence without either having a grammatical error or a bad word in it
by Felipe Rodriguez February 22, 2006
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"Zetto" was the name of the quartier of the east europe jews (the venetian native jews can live where they wished)and means nothing, just a name for a place.
The east europe jews cannot spell the letter "z" and calling it "ghetto".

1400: Yankele:"I am an jew immigrant from Polland , can I rent a house here?"
Bepin: "no, you must go in the zetto : third channel on the right."
Bepi"Zetto, Zetto, the third channel on the right and youll'find the quartier. Then ask to the rabbis"
Yankele" Shit ! I cannot spell this..ketto, ghetto..ach!"
by Affuso October 15, 2006
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a place that goes RA TA TA TA and you go AHHH
by joedinnit April 16, 2021
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sketchy; aradadada
Person 1: We are in a hood.
Person 2: We are in the ghetto.
by peachynugget January 11, 2020
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