To get murdered, merc'd, bodied, ended, deaded, killed.
That boy keep talking shit he 'bout to get sent up.
by xhaywirex November 12, 2010
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when you do something remotely illegal and you end up getting caught
oh shoot, lil timmy is getting packed up for messing with that 17-year-old
by your mom's coochie hair May 31, 2022
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the act of using a person up with a knife in call of duty
the dude tried to come up in my nook, get jixed up my son
by Cherokee 2007 March 20, 2009
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When someone is able to make their male appendage (penis) erect
"After some foreplay I was able to get one up"
by ChaChiRei August 25, 2016
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"Yo nigga, u hear bout dat cat dat came down by da block........he got poked up yo...word"

"Ooo shit eh...he must have been dum to get poked up eh"
by Cage333 April 9, 2007
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That Blue Casey sold us was nuts! The boys were getting blued up last night! They didn’t sleep for three days!
by Butter Sue July 23, 2019
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When Mrs. Hanson wants you to load up your computer. She often refers to turning on your computer to "booting up".
Okay ladies get booted up! We are going to do a quickwrite today.
by ilovegarciafries June 4, 2015
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