A sex position where the guy sticks his "fork" in the ladies "garbage disposal" and gyrates whilst making the most confusing and profound noises available.
Man A "Man, Mary and me totally tried sticking my fork in the garbage disposal"
Man B "Oh yeah? howd that go?"
Man A "Oh i took her trash OUT my friend"
Man B"Disturbing. Very disturbing"
by Don KiPunch February 2, 2010
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The sexual act, usually between an interracial couple, where the male inserts as many fingers/hands/wrists into the female's vagina, and then lifts her up from the inside and twists around so the woman spins like a top on his arm. It usually does significant damage to the woman, such as vaginal cuts and burns from friction.
Dude i gave some girl the nigerian garbage disposal! She freaked out cuz she got so dizzy!
by EC_Criminal_21 November 6, 2011
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someone who eats almost any leftover,spoiled,old,or just nasty food.
When you get stoned you turn into the human gaarbage disposal.
by sky May 10, 2003
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"lets do the fork in the garbage disposal!", is a funny ass line form Punchrobert's the yes dance, search yes dance on youtube to find it.
Robert James: lets do the fork in the garbage disposal!, lets do the fork in the garbage disposal!
by the_last_ak June 26, 2013
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When a chick wraps her midsection with plastic wrap, takes a massive dump, lets it collect in the bag, then, before intercourse, takes a knife and unloads it on her partner's chest.
Depressed Guy: "......"
Friend: "Dude, why are you so sad?"
Depressed Guy: "My girlfriend gave me a filthy garbage disposal..."
Friend: "ZOMG!"
by Kwog the Bligthar March 31, 2010
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