An honourable organisation who does nothing but good, fighting for the good of humanity against the Objectifs. Humanitarian and amazing, we try to make the world a better place.

Plural: Ganaggers
Person 1: Man, you see those Ganaggers over there?

Person 2: Sheesh they do be lookin hella fine
Person 1: What do you think about joining them?
Person 2: Aren't you already? Or are you an Objectif?
by GANAG August 9, 2021
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A grouping of finely fermented 70-215 year old single females. They love to congregate at the local jazz themed dive bar where they participate in filthy and frothy foxtrots and other archaic tribal dances. These collective orgies are known commonly as “ganag bangs”, or more rarely as “bangaranganag”s.
Quick fellas! Let’s head on over to insert local jazz themed dive bar for the bangaranganag! Better bring some extra diapers in case things really get crazy!
by Bangaranganag July 20, 2019
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