a person whose poor sportsmanship or conduct makes the game unenjoyable for other participants
The yankees baseball team routinely pays off competing teams and umpires and referees to guarantee their wins. They ruin the baseball experience for any team that faces them, so they are gamecocks.
by demaral November 2, 2014
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A type of a bird who is also the University of South Carolina's Mascot!! THE COCKS!!
The gamecocks defeated the tarheels today!
by Katie February 16, 2005
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1.)Any fan/student/faculty/representative of the University of South Carolina, or any member of their so-called athletic programs.
2.)Perrenial (per-enn-ee-uhl - for you coots out there) losers and under-achievers.
3.)Wishful thinkers.
4.)Someone who, after starting a fist fight with themselves, could still find a way to lose.
5.) A group of football players that have the mystical ability to force people to leave a stadium at any point during a game.
Most vaccuum companies aspire to suck as much as the Gamecocks.
by D-GU August 12, 2005
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poor sport; someone who ruins the enjoyment of a game
Adam: We just beat you guys.
Bob: You deflated your team's footballs and paid off the refs. We only played to collect a paycheck, knowing we would lose.
Adam: Even though you're right, I revel in your despair, and am glad you were forced to play a predetermined game. I have ruined the sport of football forever for you.
Bob: You are a gamecock.
by jcold March 6, 2015
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Gamecocking - v. Having a 14 point lead midway through the 4th quarter for two games consecutively to subpar competition, then contriving to lose in spectacular fashion.
"I enjoy watching a good Gamecocking."
by ZenPenguin October 5, 2014
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the act of seemingly putting a game out of reach, celebrating inappropriately like you won the conference, then imploding miserably in the last quarter such that the other team has a season defining comeback win.
Hey Bob, did Oklahoma win that game last night? We had to leave the party early. No, they lost at the end again. Just a lot of Gamecocking this season, damn it!
by Redlin24 November 3, 2014
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