Video Game Hangover (VGH): Mostly occurs late at night when playing video games. If the lights of the video game flash rapidly for a long period of time, or if you than you may experience;

Mild symptoms may include: mild headache, easily irritable, inability to function properly, sensitivity to light and sound

Severe symptoms may include: Migraine, Possible stomachache, Insomnia and in worst cases: Death.

WARNING: There is no found cure for VGH!

Treatment: If you are experiencing mild symptoms of VGH, please do not resume your normal video gaming experience and proceed to a dark room where you can sleep it off. It is not worth it to get to the next level if you cannot continue your 'gaming' the next day because you have to severe of a VGH.
8:00 PM
~ Person 1: Dude lets play video games all night long!
~ Person 2: ALL RIGHT!!!

7:00 AM
~ Person 1: Dude man, I feel sick.
~ Person 2: I feel fine. Hey, you look pale. Do you have VGH?
~ Person 1: I THINK I DOooOooOooo *Dies*
~ Person 2: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!11!!!1!!111!
by Jay Taxman March 21, 2005
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The hangover- like sensation one feels the next day after watching the midnight premier of the HUNGER GAMES.
Teacher: why are you sleeping in my class?
Student: Sorry, I have a total Hunger Games Hangover...
Teacher: oh alright then, that's a good excuse, go ahead and sleep.
by angelsnika March 18, 2012
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the same effects as a hangover from alcohol - dizziness, strained eyesight, lack of concentration/short-term memory - except from playing video games all night.
I was playing COD all night on my cousin's new TV, and I can't read the computer screen this morning.

Dude, you're got a video game hangover.
by malignantattic June 1, 2010
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A popular video game-related podcast, with co-hosts Randy Dickinson, Paul Sandhu, and D.J. Ross.
"Hey, have you listened to this week's episode of Video Game Hangover?"
by mkernan February 25, 2012
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When a Person or People go on a gaming spree for a long Period of time without stopping and the effects last one-two days
Friend: Dude you look like shit
Friend(2): Sorry, I'm kinda recovering from a (Gaming hangover)
by Lol love ya February 2, 2016
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