'fuh-l', adj.: a useless person. an idiot. a cool dude. an expression of excitement or gratitude. used to express how something is extreme or intense.
The 5 rules of Fuul:

1. Never leave a fuul behind.
2. Say 'uh full' whenever the opportunity arises.
3. Do the fuul whenever possible.
4. Get thigh high fuul.
5. Uh fuul.

"Yous a fuul, fuul."
"Uh fuul."
"Yeah fuul."
"Yeah he's fuul-tarded."
by fuul too September 3, 2008
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A fake Juul that broke college kids buy to get their nicotine fix.
Brad: Yo man, did you see Chad’s new Juul?
Brett: Yeah man, but it’s garbage dude. It’s a fuul, it’s not even real bro.
by iguessimcooltoo April 23, 2018
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