A female (usually straight) who fetishises male x male.
Fiona: I'm a fujoshi lol
Lauren: that's nothing to be proud of...It's not cute and quirky, rather, it's very insulting and disgusting
Fiona: fuk u XD
by TheGeekyBitch September 2, 2018
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Girls who enjoy Yaoi and fetishizes MLM.
Friend: Are you a Fujoshi?
You: Yeah
Friend: Get well soon 😘
by dolljeon October 3, 2020
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Fujoshi means someone who simply reads BL.

The amount of people who seem to genuinely think that the word fujoshi means “rotten women” because they “fetishize gays” and not because it was a misogynistic slur used against women/men who read “nasty” manga and dared to have a sexuality outside of what society deemed appropriate, is disturbing and strange, and admittedly, somewhat hilarious because it’s just such a dumb take.

Not only was "gay fetishizer" never the definition of fujoshi in the first place, but you simply can not take an innocent word from another culture, and misuse it as an insult. It perpetuates harmful stereotypes about said culture.
person 1: "are you a fujoshi?"
person 2: "mhm!"
person 1: "do you read BL for the plot and are you also fine with GL?"
person 2: "yes and yes!"
person 1: "oh that's nice! as long as you don't cross the line"
by うざい December 7, 2020
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A women or girl who enjoys BL (boys love) or creates BL content.
It is a japanese term reclaimed by women, who were called "rotten" or "unmarriable" for liking gay content, which was seen as sinful. It was originally used by homophobic and mysogynistic men who used it to degrade women.
Fudanshi is used for male BL fans and Fujin for Non-Binary BL fans.
Hiyoko is a Fujoshi.
by Thace May 25, 2020
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Fujoshi translates to “rotten girl”
A fujoshi is a female who enjoys reading romantic stories about two males being together (A.K.A BL shounen ai/ yaoi)

To me every fujoshi has different reasons for reading BL that’s why I don’t believe they’re all that bad
But if you’re reason for being a fujoshi is simply for the sexual intercourse they have then you are fetishizing gay men because you only see them as sex symbols and not human beings
Male counterpart of fujoshi is Fudanshi
My fudanshi reason: Most BLs I read lead to a certain chapter when the protagonist comes out, I love those scenes because it reminded me of when I came out to everyone :)
Are you a fujoshi for the right reason?
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A straight woman that reads/watches MLM romance targeted for, well, straight women.
Otherwise someone who supports fetishization of gay men.
Person 1: Hey, isn't Person 3 a fujoshi or something?
Person 2: Really? That makes me dislike her even more.
by finnorsmthing May 20, 2021
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