There are so many...where to start?
1.Whack-ass trigonometry.
2.What one calls trigonometry when it starts to get all fucky.

3.The branch of fuckematics dealing with the relations, sides and angels of all things fucked up.
Professor: Solve this problem
Class: We ...don't know how, you haven't shown us how to....???
Professor: figure it out
Class: fucking christ, trig is bullshit....trigonometry, more like fuckonometry
by PharmD4me April 12, 2018
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The Prediction, Calculation, Measurement, and Severity of one or more Situations in which everything involved is in the Fucked state of existence.
Person 1 "I just found out that my girlfriend of 5 years is actually my cousin who went missing 17 years ago and she knew the entire time!"

Person 2 "Bro that's some serious Fuckonometry!"
by RodTony October 8, 2020
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