a. Use to describe a person who lives in/originates from the country of France, in Europe.
b. Use to describe any object which originates from the country of France, in Europe.
c. The official language of France.
d. All Greek to me.
e. Not Italian. At all. Whatsoever.
Et that is in Pari? Oui?
Pari? No, No. The other place (implicit: Rome).
by regs_ October 28, 2004
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Frenched, Is when a man tickles another man's throat with his hairy sack
Philly: have you seen Goodwin?

Koop: na he said he was going to get frenched!

Philly: hell no he must never talk again with frenched breathe!!
by rgisfaggot June 20, 2014
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synonym to gibberish or nonsense. commonly spoken in france
"man that mf speakin pure french!!!"
mf in question: "je mange la poire"
by püo October 20, 2023
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by November 22, 2021
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Bad-mood italians
French are just.. bad-mood italians
by MaxPWR85 April 14, 2019
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frnd ‘ h
i speak frnd ‘ h. new way of spelling french
by slabo October 15, 2023
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To stick your toungue down someone's throat while their mouth is open, and they do the same thing to you at the same time...yeah sounds like a good time.
i was frenching JC last night, what were you doing??
by buZzworthy0112 January 16, 2004
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