1.A very large, muscular man wearing nothing but a loin cloth.

usually busy fighting off leopards and jaguars.

2. A metal band who plays music in praise of Christianity
OMFG, did u just see that frazetta lookin nigga? he must own the amazon...
by Brett Nisson June 17, 2008
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THE DEFINITIVE artist. You can compare his work to Picasso or Van Gogh, but he never drew weird proportioned shit or cut his own ear off. Frank Frazetta draws amazing artwork featuring fantasy/demonic themes, naked women, and all around awe-inspiring awesomeness, all from his own head. A story of his art was released on film called "Painting with Fire". If you like art, fuck what your teacher says, look at Frank Frazetta's work, I can goddamn guarantee you will not be disappointed.
I plan to get Frank Frazetta's signature tatted on my neck
by Call me the Filthiest August 25, 2008
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