Being in a top tier fraternity, dressing like a true frat star. Wearing some of the basic frat star gear consisting of Southern Proper, Southern Marsh, Southern Tide, Southern Point, Guy Harvey, Columbia pfg, Mountain hardware, North face, Vineyard Vines, Patagonia, Ralph Lauren button-ups, bow ties, Sperry Top siders, Raybans, mirrored lense costa del mars with the croakies and depending on preference usually a white adjustable hat with your school logo or mascot on it(not a fucking flat brim snapback bullshit). Must pull mad tail or otherwise known as slam pieces and pee in their butts. Must get shitty or rage face a good majority of the week but don't fuck up in school or neglect your school work like a fucking GDI. Treat southern belles with proper respect except in the bedroom. Must drink bourbon whiskey, drink all sorts of beer(only shit made in merica), most likely us some sort of tobacco product may it be dip, chew or cigs. And last DON'T ACT LIKE A FUCKING GDI!
Frabro 1- What are you getting into today bro?

Frabro 2- Getting fucked up and if I make it, probably a round of golf.

Frabro 1- Fratty......Fratty.
by Frabro February 28, 2012
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wildness, craziness, insanity, complete ridiculous fun, induced by the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Did you see that girl get carted off the beach on block island, this place is fratty as hell
by Kyle Bell July 6, 2009
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Adj. To describe something in which memebers of collegiate greek society appreciate for its intense awesomness. see: for further reading.
Sorostitute 1: AW! Your new Lacoste is so fratty! I love it!
Sorositute 2: Aw thanks girl. You can borrow it sometime!

Fratdaddy 1: Dude, we should get a a keg going up at the pool before we hit up the bars tonight.
Fratdaddy 2: That'd be fratty.
by songofthesouth June 17, 2005
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1.Stereotypical fraternity member from head(sunglasses on Croakies) to toe(Rainbows or Sperrys)
2.A delicious mixed drink consisting of one part boxed wine(Franz) and one part beer(Natty)
"That greek is looking so fratty with his popped collar."
"Fratty is the drink of champions!"
by Toner May 5, 2006
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(adj.) Fitting the stereotype of a fraternity.
"Dude, with your collar up like that, you look really fratty."

"All of us standing around in a circle, with our letters on fire in the center would be extremely fratty."
by JonnyLegal October 27, 2003
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When someone exhibits qualities of a fraternity member.
Jesse is very fratty. He enjoys popping the collar on his polos.
by B Tab August 7, 2005
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John isn't a rad dude, just some fratty wannabe douchebag
by March 25, 2009
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