(adjective) The feeling when you are so intoxicated you lose feeling in your arms.
"I was ready to pound more beers but I was too flomby and went to bed."
by TravestyTales February 23, 2017
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Flombie or the plural Flombies is the combination of the Flood from HALO and the Zombies from Resident Evil 4. Started at 8:55 on Feb 21st 2005 by a group of insane idiots standing in the cold before school. Greg was the first to utter the word Flombie and then the term was immortalized when Tim put Flombie 4 Life on his Intro book.
Get out the shotguns the Flombies are coming.
Just because the Flombie head is off doesn't mean it's dead.
by Timmy January 21, 2005
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A Florence and The Machine stan.

Someone who loves Florence and the Machine to the death.
The Florence and The Machine fanbase is composed of Flombies.
by music_noodle July 22, 2019
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