July 6 is the day where girls make the first move in the dm’s or in real life. Girls tell the boy they like them or they start the convo today is the day where the role is flipped
Imma ask out Johnny cuz today is National Girls Make First Move Day.”
by Olyankdaddy July 6, 2018
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A first ass man move is one of great wisdom and self-awareness. This generally refers to moves that are unexpected, spontaneous, and perhaps even outright brilliant.

Origin: While this phrase may be of ambiguous origin, this term, for unexplained reasons, is heavily assosiated with the lord and saviour, Jesus Christ himself.
Boy 1: How did you get rid of that clingy chick that keeps stalking you on social media?
Boy 2: I blocked her.
Boy 1: Wow dude...that's a first ass man move, if you ask me.
by Jimmy's Croissants December 26, 2019
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