n. character of unknown identity. Has been known to love Strong Bad. Has a song dedicated to hin/her (it?). Short for fhqwhgadshgnsdhjsdbkhsdabkfabkveybvf. actually fhqwhgads
look fhqwhgadsh...look can I just call you fhqwhgads?
by Dr. Lu August 4, 2003
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I don't know what a fhgwhgads is, but its probably a fhgwhgads
by the cheat November 10, 2003
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The incredibly fucked up duck looking thing from the ancient atari game 'Adventure'. It was supposed to be a dragon, but someone was smoking just a little bit too much crack. coined by strong bad.
Someone get this freakin duck away from me!
by Anti January 1, 2005
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some weird like duck thingy
I see you there fhgwhgads. Tryin to play like ' you know me'
by Strong bad March 29, 2004
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