Derived from the Word Fenella meaning "White Shouldered" which has a Celtic origin. There is only one person in this world called Fenulah so far. Fenulah was intended to be named as Fenella after her parents fondly calling her "February Nila" which translates from Tamil to English as "February Moon" owing to the fact that she was born on the Last date of February. And later they did not want name her Fenella, since the word nella, sounding similar to nila, "the moon" is dependent on the sun for light. Fenulah's parents wanted her to be independent. thus they came up with the name FENULAH. The name was invented by her parents, Gnanaraj and Janet as said before.
Fenulah believes that she can do anything with determination.
by fake nomen eius February 11, 2023
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A girl beautiful, socially awkward, kind, sarcastic, intelligent, down to earth soul. Someone who is so short and blushes immediately when her crush's name is heard and also someone you can trust and confide. This person will always respects your decision and cry when they have fear of losing her friend.
1) "I have a short best friend by name Fenulah"
by Nanami November 21, 2021
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A girl beautiful, socially awkward, kind, sarcastic, intelligent, down to earth soul. Someone who is so short and blushes immediately when her crush's name is heard and also someone you can trust and confide. This person will always respects your decision and cry when they have fear of losing her friend.
1) "I have a short best friend by name Fenulah"
by Nanami November 21, 2021
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