Cause of all issues known to man on planet earth, such as Global Warming, Financial Crisis, Poverty, Volcano Eruptions and dead kittens. When you're unable to reach this website, it's probably Ray's Fault.
Bob: I lost my job.
Steve (Indifferently): Ray's Fault
by Brawndo QC July 27, 2010
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A word from stan twitter used to explain that if something went wrong, It's Dem'i's fault.
It's always Demi's fault.
by flowerneedy September 11, 2020
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Anger to the point where the sufferer can't remember basic things like his name and how to form intelligible words. The physical manifestation of the rule, "Anger and information don't mix."
Guy: Finally, after 16,384 straight hours of work, the world's largest house of cards is finally complete! Now to call Guinness...
Guy: Kug... fmmmb... grung... flmbml... FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!
Other Guy: Oh dear. It would seem that Guy just had a rage fault.
by RequiemCube June 10, 2009
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A scary manga by Junji Ito. The plot follows an earthquake which reveals several human-shaped holes on the side of a fault. As people travel to see the spectacle, they realize that the holes were specifically made for individual people. They then become hypnotized into going through their holes, emerging months later on the other side of the mountain, hideously deformed.

The comic is responsible for an internet meme phenomemon that surrounds posting of the following phrases:

“It’s slowly coming this way!”
“This hole was made for me!”
Alice: Well hey yo. Did you read Amigara Fault?

Bob: Oh yeah. By the way, do you think that could ever happen in real life?

Alice: I dont know--EEK!

DRR DRR DRR Guy emerges from hole
by DeakDude March 27, 2011
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when there's a point reached with an opinion or when two people don't agree on a subject
you don't like Donald trump ? okay we just hit a fault line
by tatianas_lost December 27, 2016
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When a dog or human has to shit on a paved road because they could not make it to an appropriate location in time.
I was so embarassed today while walking with Ms. Foo Foo Bottom, she had an ass fault and started crapping in the middle of the street in front of all the people sipping their Latte on the outside patio of the coffee shop.
by Lowrider Corgi November 30, 2015
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Commonly during anime shows characters will drop and their legs will stick in the air. These are known as face faults and are often expression of a quick shock to something as overwhelming stupidity
person 1- As far as i can see you dont know my name
person 2- well you are near sighted.
person 1 - *face faults*
by SL June 28, 2004
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