
you be you
cool , faggot

thats so fabulouss you faggot
by WildCatWhiskeyTangoFoxTrot November 29, 2018
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1.)An extremely hateful term used by the narrow-minded.

2.)A bundle of sticks.

(Get the connection? Back in the day when people were burned at the stake for being homosexual, homosexuals were called "faggots" or bundles of sticks. As to imply that their only purpose on this earth is to be of kindling.)
I use the word "faggot" because I'm a big man.
by Brittney December 30, 2004
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1. A bundle of sticks (dictionary definition).
2. A slang term used to label homosexual men.

What nobody has mentioned yet is how this term for a bundle of sticks started being used as a label for gay men. In the middle ages when witches were burnt at the stake, gay men were thrown into the fire like bundles of sticks. That's where the connection comes from.
Get a faggot to get this campfire started.
Christopher Lowell is such a faggot.
by jonny kash November 16, 2005
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the pit of a cigarette.
jonny drew is a male & likes another male. therefore he's a faggot.
by effnogaf August 31, 2010
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There are a few deifnitions for this word.

1. It's the olde English terminology for a bundle of sticks. I doubt anybody really uses the word for that meaning anymore. Maybe some old people in a corner of cornwall do, but they don't count.

2. A term used for a disgusting British delicacy often eaten with peas and purchased from a low rent fish and chip shop. It's basically the ass and innards of a pig ground up into blobs of indistinguisable brown meat. It is NOT a british term for a cigarette. If you went up to a guy on the streets of london and said 'have a faggot?' they'd probably beat you up. The correct word in that situation is 'fag'.

3. The most common usage today is for a homosexual. Who knows how it evolved into that but with the older meanings about sticks and balls of ground meat you can probably guess. The word has been reclaimed(in the same way as the word 'gay') by teenage boys who feel the constant need to affirm their masculinity by putting down gay people and femeninity.
"You faggot!" - bored teenage youtuber

"I'm not a homosexual, not that I am against them. Please, shut up.' - rational person
by Barry .S. Truman April 26, 2009
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smoke that faggot
choke down that faggot
suck that faggot
set that faggot on fire
get that faggot out of your mouth
faggots are bad for you
faggots cause cancer
by dubsac December 31, 2005
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a derogatory word used for gay people originating in the U.S, in 1914. the shortened term, "fag", was used to refer to cigarettes, so they lengthened it and used the word to describe rolling gay people up in carpets and setting the top on fire like a cigarette.
Guy 1: he's such a faggot.
Girl 1: dude you can't say that word unless you're gay!
Guy 1: why not? it's just a word.
Girl 1: that's what they called gay people after they rolled them up in a carpet and burned them alive. i don't even say that word and i'm lesbian.
Guy 1: oh shit that's fucked up
by an.educated.person May 22, 2020
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