When you while speaking or laughing with food in your mouth and having bits of food fly onto objects or people.
Sorry bro, i just fadoodled all over you shirt.
What the heck bro! You just spit all over me!
Sorry man, i'm such a fadoodler!
Why did you just fadoodle on my shirt?
I didn't mean to chuck fOod on you, my bad.
by SantaCruz23 July 8, 2011
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John and Taylor fadoodled.

they were just fadoodling.

Tom and Katie will fadoodle.

you r a fadoodler.
by ImaBarbie December 27, 2011
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1. The act of releasing sperm upon a female's fadonkadonk
- "What did you do with jenny last night"
- "I Fadoodled hardcore .
- "damn dude that's some hardcore shit"
by the teenage monster December 1, 2011
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To doodle from far away.
"I fadoodled that tree." as opposed to "I doodled that tree from afar."
by Philip "The Pimp" L August 10, 2008
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the act of farting and walking at the same time...
I've been fadoodlin all ding dang day!
Walk around the club fadoodle errrrywhereeee
by RACHMAN September 14, 2011
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