An individual who gets caught up in
every trendy thing that comes along
There is no way that faddict would buy jeans from Walmart.
by Fictionary April 27, 2007
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a person or person(s) who have the compulsion to check their facebook account at any available opportunity.
OMG Suz is such a faddict!
by Ryiah September 9, 2009
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a person that can quote family guy lines at will, usually during a conversation, used to make a point or to start a new topic, can also be said randomly for laughs.
john was sitting with his mates and suddenly said "butt scratcher"
"what was that" said bill
"sorry" john said "I was just quoting family guy"
" you are such a FADDICT" said bill
"I've got an idea--an idea so smart that my head would explode if I even began to know what I'm talking about." said john
by ginger J March 8, 2010
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Addiction to fads or popular pastimes.
Faddiction has taken over his soul. Brand-name labels are a must for any faddicted individual. He gets all caught up in his new toys. He's a faddict.
by Fictionarian April 27, 2007
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A person obsessed with creating new Fads or Bullshit sayings.
Another Fad from the Fad Addicted Faddict.
by Matoman February 19, 2017
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A person who is addicted to facebook and logs into/checks his or her facebook at least 20 times a day.
Dude i havent closed this chat box since i was last on my com and its got like 75 lines of niv is offline, niv is online, niv is offline, niv is online, niv is offline, FADDICT!
by LeMagicCarpet October 29, 2010
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Where you’re literally always telling people random facts
Aiden: ‘Did you know that he longest word in the English dictionary is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
Ellie: Cool you little faddict
by iwannaskrtttttohellll March 27, 2019
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