When someone gets their face smashed in a big way.
"Her boyfriend called me a queer, so I gave that motherfucker a face lift."
by Dr. Raab September 16, 2008
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A plastic surgery face lift can reverse these obvious signs of aging and give you back decades.
by kekik March 13, 2006
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To touch up on, fix up; usually after prolonged neglected use
Hey I think its time you give you myspace a well-needed face lift!
by *Brendan Hottie* January 30, 2008
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noun.when a hairband or ponytail is worn that pulls back tightly against the scalp creating the illusion of a face lift.popular in trailer parks and council estates.
e.g Her head looks like she`s had a clapham face lift!
by steve finning June 20, 2006
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Rubbing Preparation H under your eyes to decrease bagginess temporarily.
Marla had a late night yesterday, so she gave herself a Detroit Face Lift this morning.
by Assjuyo Patruyo February 6, 2009
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To blow someone's head off with 12 gauge buckshot.

Usually said to one of two people:

A. Someone who is extremely unpleasant to be around. A.K.A. a douche bag.


B. A person that is soo hideous that the only way to improve their looks is to blow their head off.
Francis: Wow, that girl is extremely ugly.

Cindy: I'll say! That bitch needs a Shotgun Face Lift.

Francis: I've got a few rounds of buckshot left in my truck. I'll be right back.
by zachary_MIDWEST November 16, 2009
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Hair pulled so tight into a pony tail, that it instantly lifts the face, thus reducing wrinkles.
Hey our kid...did you see Tasha the other day? She looked ten years younger. Must be her Salford Face Lift.
by JamButty June 30, 2017
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