A Face type is similiar to a typo.
When having an online conversation
with your friend and they accidently
press alll different keys making their
sentence all jumbled and un-readable
appearing to be typed by somebodies face
(or in attempt to type anyway)
Girl: So did you hear about what happened the other day?

Guy: Yahi didf herabou thya t!

Girl: Woah face type much?

Guy: Soryw 4as soe xcited and tysrt6ping so fast I guess I sliopped a cousdpele timessa.

Girl: Yeah i think you should start typing with your fingers.. Instead of your face. Face-Type.
by umakemesmiill3 August 7, 2009
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Its when you are tired and lay your face on top of your keyboard and letters randomly appear on screen from th pressure of you face .
After taking some sleeping pills, she was Face Typing messages to me.
by Nastilles September 4, 2010
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