Known by the Acronym ECAS (pronounced ee-kas) Coined by, Reuel-Azriel, in his book “Don’t Call Me Black, Call Me Bulan.

Ethno-Cultural-Self-Actualizationism" is a term that combines the concepts of ethno (referring to ethnicity), cultural (referring to culture), and self-actualizationism (referring to the process of achieving one's full potential) into a single word.

This term implies a focus on the exploration and development of cultural and ethnic identity as a means of achieving personal growth and fulfillment. It suggests a process of self-exploration and transformation that involves embracing and celebrating one's cultural heritage and identity, while also striving to reach one's full potential as an individual.
Many individuals find that practicing ethno-cultural-self-actualizationism helps them better understand and appreciate their cultural roots, while also empowering them to pursue their personal goals with a strong sense of identity and purpose.
by Reuel-Azriel May 9, 2023
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