The Punisher. A man who uses his slick ways to get even. A mastermind of revenge but has a heart so big he makes you fall in love in a second sweet but deadly and definetly should come with Instrutions.
Girl #1 Damn did u hear what happen last night at the club?

Girl#2 No, what happen?
Girl#1 some guy hit his girl and then a guy Esat came and beat the guy up!

Girl#2 Damn I wish Esat was my man
by Bkzsexiestbitch January 28, 2011
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angelic beautufil man you should date him ofc you cant miss the chance he is a total horndog he can fling anytime no need for emotional love he can just love that badonkadonk body mmmm
by SEXBOMBXX2000 December 27, 2019
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