A female whos face gives the appearance that her nose, eyes, and mouth can be easily erased and a new one drawn upon.
Hey look at that girl over there, she has an eraseable face.
by Fun And Games February 11, 2006
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A severe condition in which the side of a person's face has been blackened as a result of being slapped in the face by a white board eraser.
Joe tried to rid of his eraser face by rubbing it, but by doing so he simply smudged it and made it worse.

-Also may be used as an insult: "Get out you damn eraser face, we don't like your kind 'round here!!"
by the eraser facer May 31, 2004
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a person that has been hit in the face by an eraser from a wipeboard
Joe is an eraser face now that Bob hit him in the face with the wipeboard eraser.
by Mark May 30, 2004
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The point in a romantic relationship when pictures of the couple begin to dis-appear from Facebook, and or when the relationship status changes to "Single OR Complicated" from "In a relationship".
It looks like Herman has made it to Face Erase with his girl friend.

"Yeah her pictures have disappeared from his profile now."
by themindblogger December 8, 2009
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(Ajective) someone with mold on thier scalp and with cheese on thier face, that takes a shower and gets thier face erased from all the crust.
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