A phrase quite common on the internet used to describe an idiot, weeabo or wapanese.

However, the phrase itself began to 'epically fail' when fourteen year old kids started spouting it at their parents.

4chanmemesaddict: so then this n00b was like "what's a meme?" and i was like "epic phail lul!"
gaiafaggot4life: LULZ ORLY?

In real life:
Dad: Now James, I want you to clean your room and stop watching those anime lesbian pornos
Little Jimmy: God Dad, you are so epic fail!
by asdfghjklgads January 22, 2009
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A term used to describe an unsuccesful attempt at achieving a goal, usually with unintended hilarious results. While a 'fail' can be defined as simple disappointment, an 'epic fail' is of monumental proportions. A term most commonly used by keyboard warriors of the internet age that choose to argue on the website Youtube.com, whose lives could be summed up as an 'epic failure'
Youtube faggot: OMG your such a n00b you got pwned what an epic fail!

Human: Kill yourself.
by cloak15 January 20, 2009
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1.When an attemt at creating an entertainment product fails so badly it incites anger and/or unintentional comedy.

2. When an attempt at comedy on an internet message board is so terrible it incites pity in the reader of sed post.

3. When an attempt to get over as a whacky character on an internet message board completely and utterly fails.

4. An attempt to endorse Fanta and homosexuality at the same time on an internet message board that leads to ridicule

2&3 "Anchor World Order= EPIC FAIL"

4."anchor= EPIC FAIL"
by tildebang January 18, 2008
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General definition - Anti-causality. When the desired or expected effect is the only effect NOT achieved by any given cause, this is EPIC FAIL.

Definition as it pertains to Relativity - Failure so monumental in scale that it has the possibility to rupture the space-time continuum by fracturing the light-cone at the point between the causal past and causal present boundaries because there is no possible way the cause could precede any effect within the same spatial reference frame of the observer.

Definition you're most likely to understand - The result of the physical union of your parents.
Bob: "I posted my music on myspace because I wanted to be appreciated by the masses"
Greg: "Oh yeah? What happened?"
Bob: "Turns out my music makes people's ears fall off"
Greg: "Epic fail, no cookie for you!"
Following this conversation, the universe folds in on itself and is oblitera
by Theydrick October 18, 2008
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To fail horribly

However bad a fail is, you do NOT say "epic fail" in reality, it makes you sound like a total douche.
"Awww dude, i just fucked up on that math test"

by Anonynoose February 23, 2009
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failing so bad at something that its a totally laughable matter.
teacher: spell the word, cupcake

student: k, u, p, k, a, k, e.

epic fail
by Diiesel February 13, 2009
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