When you try to save a gif, but it saves as a video. This mainly happens on Discord. This can also happen is something is sent as a file, even when it isn't a file.
Person 1: *posts a video with no audio, meant to be a gif*
Person 2: Epic Embed Fail
by LongDong69420 February 11, 2021
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Slang for wanting to do the dirty
Bro 1: Epic Embed Fail
Bro 2: Aight 😳
by myfatherfigurebeatsme December 28, 2022
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(1)The step between epic fail and meta fail.
(2)A fail that will almoste certenly reduce you to the mocking and ritacule of your pears.
when a waiter drops his whole serving try on a mentally handicapped person, fruit cake, meth addicts, and all things telly tubby related.

person 1: shoots himself in the foot while reloading his gun

person 2: " Epic legendary fail "
by St.jimmy1693 February 5, 2009
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Not being able to achieve the easiest task imaginable.
Its like someone asking you to do three push ups and you can't do one. -Epic Fail

"David come on man how do you manage to not do one push up, epic fail bro."
by Abdellah February 5, 2012
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The stupidest most pointless word in the English language...well maybe aside from lol....if you use this word someone will hack your head off with a machette.
Girl 1: lol epic fail
Girl 2: you suck
by yourjealousofme September 26, 2011
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To fail at a project so bad that you need to change your major.
You don't want to epic fail this drafting packet.
by Prof.cjohnson September 22, 2011
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