emo has become an ever increasing style and one most "emo kids" are not emo they are just following the style and they are known as "scene". Now I don't label myself but i guess you could say i have clothes that can be classified as the emo fashion but an emo kid doesnt have to dress in the stereotypical skinny jeans band t and converse you can wear really anything...emo is a state of mind and a music style not all emos cut not all emos write poetry not all emos play instruments or sing not all emos do drugs and NOT ALL EMOS LIKE MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE AND FALL OUT BOY please people get that thrrough your heads i hear that all the time and not all do like those two bands from what i know most emo kids like alternative metal rock techno emo death metal and things of those genres they understand people and music and the world and emo kids will inslut people who deserve insulting and normally do not consider themselves emo IF YOU DO MEET SOMEONE WHO PROCLAIMS THEY ARE EMO AND SHOWS OFF THEIR SCARS THERES A 9/10 CHANCE THEY ARE A POSER OR LOOKING FOR ATTENTION also not all emo kids are bi and gay but being bi is also the new fad so that is my definition oh and you can play sports and stuff and still be emo

true emo: your making a fool of your self stop being a poser
emo poser:im not a poser see lok at my scars and my skinny jeans and band t-shirt
true emo:you put me to shame *shakes head an walks away*
emo poser: *cricket cricket cricket*
by Sadye July 25, 2009
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Emo describes a person that basically accepts that life sucks and there's no way to get around it. Common traits are wearing dark clothes/accessories, crying often, being antisocial, being quiet, staying on the internet 24/7, having hair over one eye, and listening to "emo bands" such as Fall Out Boy, Imagine Dragons, Panic! At The Disco, My Chemical Romance, and Paramore. Most teenagers go through this stage.
Danisnotonfire: *wears a My Chemical Romance shirt*
Random person: Die emo scum!
by Superslime88 May 9, 2015
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1. A word describing a subgenre of emotional punk rock

2. A fashion categorized by dark, tight, more feminine and slightly nerdy clothing characterized by band shirts related to definition one, tight pants, scarfs, and thick rimmed glasses and sweater vests incorporated possibly due to Rivers Cuomo's clothing style.

3. I derogatory term used by insecure guys who think that showing your emotions or having a little wetness on your face automatically makes you menstruate daily and cram tampons up your ass.
1. I was listening to Hawthorne Heights last night, and Saying Sorry is such a deep, great song.

2. Those tight pants are so emo

3. Leik ZOMG their wuz this ghey em0 fag yesterday I saw while I wuz ch0pping w00d like a burly manly man lumb3r jak and he wuz waring tite pants and yah, I am n0t gay plz don't think of me as ghey
by Kyle117 December 11, 2006
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emo has alot of definitions on urban dictionary most of them make fun of what they THINK is emo. so i felt compelled to write what it really is.

most people would define emo:
fag dark clothing
poser hot topic
self mutilation sad
skinny jeans myspace whore
black rim glasses loser

but the real definition is far from any of these things. what people are discribing is POSER emo. real emo kids dress however they want and dont really care what people think about them. they are themselves, sometimes they might take their emotions too far, but that is with any emotion. emo kids ,contrary to popular belief, are not always sad,sometimes they show signs of being bipolar. one minute they will be happy, the next they might be sad or mad.(schitzophrenic behavior might also be displayed)they depend alot on their friends to to bring them up when they're down, but most of them love life to an extent.
THAT is the real definition of emo.
poser emo 1:oh, im so depressed!
poser emo 2:yeah, me too! lets go to hot topic and buy dark clothing and more eyeliner.
poser emo 1:then we could go to wal mart and buy some razor blades!
poser emo 2:yeah! when we come back we could sit around and play that new hawthorne heights cd and write sad poetry on our myspace blog.
********* ********* ********* ********* ********* *********
emo 1:dude, what do you want to do today?
emo 2:whatever is fun
emo 1:nevermind i just got sad all of a sudden
emo 2:oh come on, lets go over to emo 3's house, you know she can always cheer you up
emo 1: yeah you're right. lets go have some fun!
by lilyda April 10, 2008
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A group of kids who happen to like the same type of music as is 'in' at the moment. It is possible that they liked these bands before many others heard of them, and will continue to like them after the phase has passed. Ditto clothes. They have only been labelled 'emo' since the word came into popular culture, and is not one they would give themselves. They do not all self- harm (there is a difference between 'emo' and 'manic depressive') and do not all wear thick- rimmed glasses or wear all black.
Poser: What you listening to?
'Emo' Kid: *names band not many have heard of*
Poser: Who?
Two months later, the band have made it big and everyone knows them.
Poser: OMG, I love this band!
'Emo' Kid: You didn't know them two months ago.
The band become 'uncool' to be fans of.
Poser: You STILL listening to them?
'Emo' Kid: Yeah. So?
by Don't_label_me March 24, 2007
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1. (adjective) an old genre of music that died out in the early '90's that many mainstream bands are misidentified as.
2. a culture based around pop punk/hardcore music identified by long bangs, tight clothing and self-harm.
3. a word used to describe someone thats depressed, angsty, and/or darkly poetic.
4. a genre of music played by Jimmy Eats World and Fugazi at the beginning of their careers
5. a genre used in mainstream music that is considered an insult to musicians.
1. "I remember the late 80's. With all that great new wave emo music. Those were the days."
2. "Look at the two emos cutting themselves."
3. "Why are you so down? You're so emo!"
4. "Jimmy Eats World should have still played emo music after their first album. yeah, it wouldn't sell, but at least the genre wouldn't be misused so often."
5. "When you say 'emo' to a musician all they hear is 'your music is so unappealing to normal people, that we will put you into the most abnormal, misused genre in the history of the planet'."
by atomic.bomb. February 4, 2009
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Emo stands for 'emotional' and it shows that you're not afraid to hide your feelings. A lot of the reviews I've read are extremely negative about emos. I find this extremely annoying and prejudiced, I mean, how can they say that when they don't even know the person? The situation is generally "Oh, look its an emo, get her/him" and then you're in extreme pain even before youve had time to hitch up your trousers to run for it. Believe me, emos don't dress the way they dress for attention-they express how they hurt inside. (And the fringe is probably to hide the black eye from yet another beat-up)
Why, why, why do emos cause such an effect on people? What have they ever done to THEM? And just what is the point of hating ALL emos?
Emo bands are widely feared/hated too, and some newspapers even tried to turn parents against their own children, sying 'oh emo this and emos that' but emo doesnt really have anything to DO with self harm. Self harm is not a trend or a style-its a disorder. (listen to My Cheical Romance-Its not a fasion statement, its a deathwish)
emo innocently walking along the street
chav group spot emo
chav group creep up behind emo
emo blastin music through hedphones, not hear
"take that"
"ow get off me!"
"had enough?"
"ok good"
"lets go before we're seen"
emo left lying on the side of the road to return to conciousness
by xX-EMO-AND-PROUD-Xx October 31, 2006
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