Elaena is a beautiful girl but doesn't like to admit it she doesn't really like sports but is always a person to turn to she doesn't talk about her feelings and she always agrees with you she is a amazing friend of you know any Elaena's then you should get to know them. Elaena's don't judge on the outside they judge on the inside but they don't really judge at all and if you called yourself ugly my friend Elaena would slap you but they are a amazing friends!
by Elaena's best friend May 31, 2018
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Pretty retarded most of the time and needs constant guidance for the easiest of things. Elaena’s are never motivated to do anything unless it involves a guy that they like. They usually can’t pick a good guy and constantly mess up. Elena’s are bomb af though
Guy 1: OMG Elaena hasn’t opened my snap in 3 weeks!!
Guy 2: She’s probably busy with that dude who just wants to get in her pants.
by Big pp the 5th October 25, 2018
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Elaena is Hebrew for "The Lord has answered my prayer". It is the equivalent to Helen, the Christian biblical name meaning "ray of light".
Elaena is related to the Greek name Helena.
Example 1. Elaena, for I know whom to trust in.
Example 2. After the storm cleared, an elaena lit the valley and brought peace amongst us all.
by BrightLight402 February 8, 2022
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